Anatomy of the Earth

earth The Earth’s body a balanced viewpoint.

Geology has been of interest to us humans as far back as ancient Greece in the fourth century. Aristotle was one of the first people to make observations about the earth. Geology as it is known gives insight into the history of the Earth by providing the primary evidence for plate tectonics, the evolutionary history of life, and past climate patterns.

Geology is important for mineral and hydrocarbon exploration and exploitation, evaluating water resources, understanding of natural hazards, the remediation of environmental problems, and further provides insights into patterns of climate change. Geology also plays a role in geotechnical engineering and it is a major academic discipline.

The earth has evolved significantly, as has its science. If true, it’s revolutionary, as Geology is a far reaching field covering a myriad of topics from mining to fossil fuels.  Yes, a great deal of human life on earth remains a mystery to both the scientific and philosophical worlds. Yet a fortuitous discovery was made whilst searching for an archaeological reference that may change the way we perceive Geology in the future.

Geologist Salome Pouroulis’ discovery some12 years ago creates new awareness to the connection between our individual placement on the globe, our personal power to manage our lives for increased health and happiness.  The new Earthbody model brings greater understanding of how our bodies work in alignment with our physical location, incorporating the earth’s anatomy.

The Earthbody model offers valuable insights on a physical, mental, emotional and spiritual level. Earthbody incorporates the “Eyemap” blueprint which allows users to experience and discover a new take on Geology, and the earth’s anatomy. Through mapping one’s location on the earth one is given clues to make sense of the circumstances surrounding one’s life and hence may necessitate change. This is supported by a location of favour, whether to improve one’s personal health, find that perfect home or connect to increase success in business.

In essence Earthbody offers the individual a novel way to look at themselves in relation to their geographical earth location, in the world, through online readings.  An individual will discover and see facets of their life that they were unaware of. For example their attitude may change. With greater understanding, they are able to broaden their choices and selectively take decisions that refine the quality of their life experiences.

How does Earthbody work? Earth’s body and our bodies are innately designed of the same stuff and functions in similar ways. Because we live on her body, we’re able to locate ourselves within her anatomy, which is how we learn more about ourselves.

Earthbody concepts, tools and techniques are exceptionally unique, unconventional, maybe even a little strange, but through them one uncovers information about themselves that you never knew existed. This shifts perceptions creates new meaning and the whole world changes for the better.

Fundamentally Earthbody identifies with new geology concepts leaning towards spirit science. Like many other scientific breakthroughs, perhaps this one opens an entirely new field of enquiry. The Earthbody concepts are not new, but simply looked at from a difference viewpoint. Pouroulis supports the theory that science and spirit have greater value when working together in understanding both our geology and ourselves.

South Africa is a mineral resource phenomenon because of its position as the treasure house, the heart of the globe on the Eyemap blueprint. This also accounts for places like the ‘Mother City’, Cape Town, Adam’s Calendar, the Kuruman Eye, the Johannesburg Dome, the Cradle of Mankind and the Drakensberg Mountain range.

The Earthbody, Eyemap offers individuals three modes of experiential blueprint: Lifetime, Annual and Everyday modules that can be repeated over different locations. There is no restriction to category of search. The users of the Eyemap tool may choose to discover career, health, or romantic relationship answers. Results include direction in choosing a new home, office premises or a school for children with particular disturbances. It can point to healing measures required in one’s personal journey or in relationships in the external world.

All facets of life are explored, as the Earthbody’s approach is a holistic one, where we learn to be discerning through our feelings and intellect. Assess one’s place in the world through our senses and intuition, rather than through rose tinted windows. Having a balanced view animates and intensifies our view, bringing a sense of wholeness in what would otherwise be a cold, quantitative and mechanistic view of one’s world.  In the Earthbody approach, science merges with spirit, objective Earth communes with subjective Gaia, ignorant human becomes sentient Beings.

For Pouroulis it was the profound discovery of the correlation between her Eyemap location, the Chakric System and her own health issues of appendix, weight, blood sugar problems and persistent urinary tract infections.

Over the years, she has tested her own questions on accuracy and debunked doubts along the way. Pouroulis further confirmed her findings with deepening connections to historical philosophy, mathematical formulae and key religious events throughout history and within South Africa’s own sacred sites.

Where do big ideas come from? How do we spark them in our own lives? What can we learn from others, who help advance our understanding through spiritual science? Pouroulis’s aim is to popularise new geology concepts through Earthbody and her inspirational life story as she drives new understanding that may be vital to our future.

Pouroulis says: “It is my understanding that we are part of the awakening heart of awareness from our positioning here in Africa. This new geology explains many of South Africa’s geological enigmas including the Witwatersrand Basin and Bushveld Igneous Complex, the latter of which is both the wealth and wonder of the geological world as the largest intrusion of its kind, holding the world’s largest reserves of platinum group minerals and chromium reserves.

Despite 100 years of research we’re no closer to understanding the process by which mineral-rich layers came to be concentrated in one area. Add to this, that we have the world’s largest verified impact crater at Vredefort. Are we just super fortunate or are we willing to consider that there might be something else going on?”

It is only when we function with absolute clarity and consciousness, that we are equipped with loving open mindedness, respect and intent for the highest good of all Earth life that we manifest fast, effective and lasting prosperity.

Ref: Author – Wanda J Bruce

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Salome Pouroulis holds a degree in Geology (Honours), Archaeology, Earth Sciences and an MBA.  She founded Earthbody in 2004 and dedicates her time to bring greater understanding of how our bodies work in alignment with our physical location and the Earth’s anatomy.

The Earthbody Eyemap blueprint tools, lectures, articles and forums for greater healing, well-being and abundance can be accessed at